Sunday, September 21, 2008

They can`t handle The Electric Mayhem!

Concepted these for some vinyl kid co..We went three rounds (Tan 2nd & I 1st and 3rd) only for them to decide to take it into there own hands.
I saw what they submitted and ......

.....anyway, I really enjoyed working on this 3rd bunch, being that I`m a huge fan of the show. I`m also glad to hear the nice comments from everyone who saw this job, thank you all.


Tanner said...

These are SICK Eddie!!! I love what you did with them. All the detail is cool and you got the attitude down perfect. They really look like they're getting into they're playing.

What did KR decide to do in the end? Did they go in a completely different direction?

artgeek12 said...

It figures that you'd do all this work just to have them not use your work.

I totally didn't see you leave a comment on my blog...haha. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. What i'd love to see is some of these colored!

Stacey Aoyama said...

oh man, I love these!! I love the muppets as well, and you more than do them justice with these sketches...

Vince M said...

Very ambitous designs, Eddie. Looks like you really dug in on this assignment.

ED said...

Eric- Thanks, as KR I wish I could post the image that George showed me, very interesting.
Stacey, Vince- This was definitley one of the fun jobs.
Thanks for the compliments.


Eddie, these are all can definitely tell that you care about that property.
Well done.

Craig Mackay said...

Dude! These rock! Amazing drawings, sir. Pleasure meeting you the other day. Hope to see you around. Keep the posts coming. You're inspiring me to get back at it.

richtuzon said...

I think these rock, eddis.

Dorota said...

These are great Eddie!!

ED said...

It truly means so much more coming from such a talented bunch.
Thanks everyone.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


ED said...

Thanks my friend.

Oscar Grillo said...

Truly amazing stuff here, Ed. Remarkable professionalism!

Dominic Philibert said...

Love all your drawings!
You got an amazing style!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep me posted.

ED said...

Thank you very much Mr. Grillo and Mr. Philibert.

Dominic Philibert said...

Thanx Ed!!!!
I really enjoy your work too!
These characters are amazing!!!!!!!!
Keep me posted my friend