Saturday, January 3, 2009

Here we go again.

Here u go guys. It`s going to be a bumpy ride, let`s see what this year brings.
Be strong and be proud.


Vince M said...

Bumpy ride?

Bring it on!
I've been through this kind of stuff before.

At least you didn't have to look for work during the early '70s.

Like the shelled turtle soldier. But you need to have John Q talk
to you about 'silhouettes'.


Nice one Eddies. Glad to see you got off of Facebook for five seconds so you could post somethin'!
Bring on the New Year baby!

ED said...

I know about the silhouetts, I just like to step away from it when I doodle. Some people over do them and it takes away from the illustration.
I like to break the rules to see what developes.

Ry, I only go on when you do. Remember, I can see you.

Vince M said...

All kidding aside, I like the design of this guy, he reminds me of the type of characters Vaughn Bode used to draw. Is he part of a storyline you're working on? He'd make a helluva puppet.

Speaking of which...
Billy Baloney?

Zoro Rodriguez said...

Nice one Eddie!

richtuzon said...

what's facebook and why does he not wear pants?

Stacey Aoyama said...

I like how his shell has migrated to his that what happens to turtles during tough times? :) Great drawing Eddie!

Dorota said...

Very nice drawing Eddis.

richtuzon said...

c'mon, eddis. something new please.

Craig Mackay said...

Nice, Ed! I also like that your post ends with 'Be Strong. Be Proud.'

richtuzon said...

over 30 days past due since your last post...I'm collecting interest.

ED said...

Thanks fellahs